👋🏾 Hi there, I’m Aishwarya

👩🏽‍💻 I am currently a third-year student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in computer science at Georgia Tech.

👩🏽‍🏫 At Georgia Tech, I am a teaching assistant for CS 1332 (Data Structures & Algorithms). As a TA, I help manage a class of over 1000 students, teach weekly recitations, debug/explain concepts during office hours, and grade homeworks/exams.

🔬 I am a member of the Polo Club for Data Science, where I actively engage in research focused on LLMs (large language models).

⌨️ I am a member of the Tech Team of Hexlabs (the premier hackathon organizing club at Georgia Tech). As part of Hexlabs, I help develop technology related tools to keep our events running smoothly (e.g. event sites, registration portals, etc.)!

If you would like to chat about anything, feel free to contact me at achakrav6@gatech.edu.


Duolingo Engineering Intern (Summer 2024)

Last summer, I interned at Duolingo in Pittsburgh!

MIT Haystack Observatory REU Intern (Summer 2023)

During the summer after my freshman year of college, I interned at the MIT Haystack Observatory as part of an NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Over the course of the summer, I developed a web-based tool capable of monitoring and visualizing seismic, geodetic, and weather data pertaining to Antarctic sea ice shelves such as the Ross Ice Shelf (RIS). My dashboard generates data products that help scientists monitor changes in sea ice over time, allowing them to gauge effects of global warming on a global scale. RIS-Vis (what I fondly named my project) will be utilized to visualize data collected from MIT’s SGIP (Seismo Geodetic Ice Penetrator) once it is deployed in 2024.

Here is a demo of my project, as well as my final presentation.